Friday, September 26, 2008

Throw Lying Dems Out!

When they announced Harry Reid and Chris Dodd were going to hold a press conference, I turned to my wife and said, "I'm going to count the lies on my fingers while they speak".  I got to seven and turned the TV off.  I'm really angry.


They lie and lie and lie.  Now I found out they wanted 20% of any profits given to groups like ACORN!!  I hate that they have any say in this rescue plan.

Is there any way we can just flush Congress down the drain and start over with a special election?

Is there a lever on the side somewhere? 

In other words, term limits effective immediately.  It could be like college football where every year the seniors retire and a group of fresh faces and freshmen (women too!) come to Washington. 

Barring that, given that this is largely a Democrat mess, any Rescue Plan must eliminate the bad acts that caused the crisis and hold accountable those culpable:

  1. No money for ACORN
  2. Five year phase out of all the substandard lending that got us in this mess - all CRA, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac loans.
  3. Require Joint House & Senate hearings to document the role of those responsible for pushing substandard loans (Barney Frank, Bill Clinton, Chris Dodd, Franklin Raines, Bob Rubin, etc..)
  4. Require Joint investigations into the vast amounts of money given to leading Democrats (Dodd, Obama are #1 and #2 recipients) and the probable quid pro quo for increased GSE substandard loans for their contributors. 
  5. Term limits, effective immediately - the President is limited to two terms - limit Senators to two terms (12 years) and Representatives to four terms (8 years). 

Unless you take concrete steps to stop these problems, why should voters believe the rescue plan will work?

I will not play the moral equivalence game by throwing up my hands and saying - they're all corrupt!  They're not.  Yes, I know McCain and other Republicans took some money from GSEs but they clearly did not push legislation on their behalf - All Republicans supported Bush's efforts to reform these institutions back in 2005 - all Democrats were opposed.

If you blame everybody, you really let the worst offenders off the hook. 

Without Clinton and the Democrats pushing these loans in the 1990s, substandard loans would have never increased five fold, from $200 billion to over $1 trillion, and brought our financial markets to their knees. 

Throw the bums out!

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