Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe's Right About Iraq War

To his credit, Joe the Plumber actually cares about Iraq and understands its role in the larger War on Terror, "I'm not sorry that we're in Iraq ... what we've done over there is an incredible, incredible thing. Has it kept us safe? Absolutely."  Fantastic!  You Go Joe!

Joe's right to be proud of America's liberation of Iraq.

Unlike Joe, Obama and the Democrats continue to bad mouth America and our liberation of Iraq.  If I hear Obama complain, one more time, we're worse off because of the Iraq War, I'll go ballistic.  Last night, at the last Presidential debate, McCain should have said looked Obama in the eye and asked,

Would you prefer that Saddam still rule Iraq?

Obama has said many times that the strategy of "containing" Saddam was working and had Bush not invaded Iraq, Saddam would have eventually been forced out (he doesn't say how) or more likely, contained and prevented from threatening the U.S.  Strategically, this is flawed thinking.  In addition, it is bad judgement about what was really happening. 

According to many reports, it is much more likely that the opposite is true - that Saddam would have convinced the U.N. to drop sanctions and the Oil for Food program entirely.   It is well documented that Saddam had promised many in the French, German and Russian governments financial incentives to support lifting sanctions and prevent a U.S. invasion.  That's why it was so hard to get Security Council cooperation for Operation Iraqi Freedom - most of the Security Council was bought and paid for.  In fact, I thought there was even allegations that British politicians may have been bribed.

So removing Saddam and his sons through sanctions and "tough diplomacy" is and was pure fantasy.  Bush, who was elected U.S. President responsible for the decisions he makes, could not engage in such fantasy but Obama could because he was just state senator at the time with absolutely no responsibility for decision making, running essentially unopposed.  But lets examine Obama's fantasy for a moment.

What if Saddam had been in charge since 2003?

A public health specialist at Columbia University, Richard Garfield, estimated there to be as many as 350,000 "excess deaths" or deaths in excess of normal infant mortality, in Saddam's Iraq from August 1991 and March 2002 or about 3,000 per month.  

Let me repeat, about 3,000 children per month died from malnutrition, and other preventable causes, while Saddam built several Presidential Palaces and monuments to himself and his sons.  These aren't just any palaces, they're 7 to 10 times the size of the White House or Buckingham Palace:

Again, 3,000 children per month, while Saddam was "contained" by the U.N.  That means...

Under Obama's plan, hundreds of thousands more Iraqi children would be dead.

Yes, Obama's plan would have saved over 4,000 U.S. soldiers their lives, and billions of dollars, but about 200,000 Iraqi children would be dead, thousands of young girls would have been raped by Saddam's sons and thousands of dissenters would have been tortured or disappeared in the night.

In addition:

  • 23 million Iraqis would still be oppressed by a murderous dictator instead of free, voting and helping us with terrorism.
  • Iraq and Iran would now be in an arms race.  If Saddam did not have WMDs, you can bet that, by now, he would have acquired them to counter Mahmoud's and Iran's aggression.
  • Saddam would still be rewarding the families of suicide bombers ($25,000 each) for each successful mass-murder of Jewish Israelis.
  • Saddam may have wiped out another Kurdish town with chemical weapons like he's done before.
  • Instead of a free and democratic Iraq providing a model for how warring tribes can resolve their differences peacefully through the courts and the ballot box, Saddam's Iraq would reinforce the long-standing Middle East tradition that aggression is rewarded with power.
  • If left in power, Saddam may have invaded Kuwait again or Saudi Arabia or Jordan.  If Obama thinks Saddam and his sons would have behaved over the last 5 years or the next eight, his judgement is even worse than I thought.

Contrary to Obama's constant lies about Bush creating a mess in the Middle East that the next President will have to clean up, Bush has actually made things much easier for the next President.  Does anyone believe al-Maliki will be a greater problem for U.S. than Saddam?  Does anyone believe Iran would have been less of a threat with Saddam next door for the last five and the next eight years?  Is it harder or easier to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without Saddam's payments to the families of suicide bombers?

The odds of a much wider Middle East war have gone down dramatically.  The "Arab street" has seen, for the first time in hundreds of years, Kurds, Sunni and Shia work together to solve their problems peacefully.  Of course, there is still violence and danger in Iraq but it is clearly on track to provide an inspiring example of democracy in the heart of the Middle East.  This will make it harder for Al Qaeda to recruit and retain members who will see for themselves that America removed a murderous dictator, helped Arabs stand up their own democracy and will leave in 2011 as friends and liberators - not imperialists, not Arab haters, not evil. 

Bush and McCain were right to liberate Iraq and win a key battle in the War on Terror.  

Obama was wrong to advocate that the U.S. allow Saddam to keep raping, torturing and murdering.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Trinity Murder Cover-Up?

I recently discovered that the Choir Director of Trinity Church of Chicago, Barack Obama's former church, was murdered just before Christmas, 2007.  I also discovered that news of this murder is disappearing.

First, here's a summary, by KOAM-TV, Chicago, of the murder by a site that, as of today, still posts the story @

CHICAGO (AP) - Authorities are investigating the death of the choir director of the Chicago church where presidential contender Barack Obama is a member.

Donald Young was found dead from multiple gunshot wounds Sunday in his apartment on the city's South Side.

His funeral will be Thursday.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright at Trinity United Church of Christ says Young was well-loved by the congregation. He says Young taught fourth grade and was planning to attend graduate school to become a school principal.

The story is also posted at these sites:

Here are links that have since been pulled:

Why?  Why would news orgs pull links to stories about the murder of the choir director at the most famous church of this election season?  Why has there been no follow-up to this?  Doesn't it make sense to take a harder look at the murder of a member of the church of Barack Obama?

I'm not one for conspiracy theories but it's a fact Donald Young was murdered and it's a fact that news of this murder is disappearing. 


Thursday, October 2, 2008

McCain Let U.S. Down

I'm disgusted the Senate's approved that monstrosity of a 450 page "economic rescue plan".  Back up for a minute.  What brought the greatest country in the world to it's knees - at least it's financial markets?  Too much "Toxic Paper"!  It's unclear to me this bill does anything about toxic paper - might even be worse.

Under Clinton's masterful, shameful use of Carter's Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), Clinton quintupled sub-prime loans from $200 billion to over $1 trillion by the end of the 1990s.  Now, $200 billion is important; Over $1 trillion is really important.  Over $1 trillion of toxic paper is Clinton's legacy that our financial markets are choking on. 

Bankers in Germany, Japan and Dubai never guessed that something called "U.S. mortgage obligations" might contain mortgages made without income verification.  Once they found out, they tried to dump those mortgages but they were so intermixed in very, very complex Wall Street creations that it was hard to figure out what any U.S. mortgage-related product was worth.

The result?  A loss of confidence in U.S.

We don't need a windfall $700 billion bailout for those who profited.  Let Wall Street sort out it's own mess of complex products.  We certainly don't need more pork, especially now - it sickens me that Congress added more pork and tax breaks during a national crisis and McCain went along with it.

The way to restore a crisis of confidence is pretty simple.  Take solid lasting steps that demonstrate you're being honest and effective.  In addition, any plan put forward must be in place for 5 years so people and business has confidence the next President will not undo what's done now.  

Here's a plan that will restore confidence in our government and our markets:

  1. Dodd, Frank & Paulson Must Resign – These three Democrats have betrayed the public’s trust, with historic results, and need to go now.  Their resignations say loud and clear:  Corruption in Washington caused the problem, not free markets.   
  2. 5 year phase-out of gov’t-sponsored sub-prime loans - the “toxic paper” that crippled our credit markets. 
  3. Suspend the mark-to-market rule – this will repair distressed bank balance sheets overnight (see below).
  4. 5 year suspension of cap gains tax – this will flood US financial markets with new capital and not penalize folks who invest in America when we need it most.
  5. Life the Ban on Offshore Drilling - this single act will lower structural costs for families and businesses across the country and around the world and jump-start the economy.   

This is the kind of plan I would have expected John McCain would champion.  It's about accountability, reform, energy independence and prosperity.  If McCain and the President had insisted on this plan, the Democrats would have to a) go along or b) vote against the bill and risk financial catastrophe and the voter's wrath in one month.  We would end up with more freedom, not less.

Either way, we would have the Change We Need.

Instead, McCain voted to keep the car going down the wrong road rather than make a U-turn that may be difficult but respects the will of the people, respects the science of free market economics and restores confidence in our government to do what's right for voters, not campaign donors. 

McCain went along to get along.  I'm very disappointed.

If McCain can't take the lead on this "bailout" maybe McCain-Palin will lead U.S. by running on a similar plan that will restore the crisis of confidence.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Paulson is a Chicago Democrat

According to Dana Perino, White House Press Secretary, no matter what rescue plan Congress gives him to sign, he "would look to his Secretary of the Treasury and Ben Bernanke, the Fed Chairman, ..." and ask them if this plan will save our economy. 

Wow, so even if 20% of the plan's profits would go to ACORN, the massive corrupt leftist got-out-the-vote-for-Obama group, the President is going to sign it because Hank Paulson gives the thumbs up??  So who is this unelected man that the President has granted authority over $700 billion of our money?

I count myself among the better informed.  However, I did not know Hank Paulson was a Democrat, born in Palm Beach and raised in Bloomington Hills, a wealthy suburb of Chicago.  I have nothing against common folk from Chicago but after looking into Barack Obama's background, I have some concerns about a few of Chicago's power players. 

Let's take a quick review of the more famous Chicago Democrats:

In addition, it turns out that ACORN had a remarkable role, with help from Congressional Democrats like Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, in creating the toxic paper that our financial markets are now choking on.  

So, do I trust an unelected Democrat from Chicago to run the largest rescue plan in history? 

Section 8 of Paulson’s plan states: “Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of law or any administrative agency.”  No review by a court of law or administrative agency?  So Paulson has arranged it so I can't even "trust but verify".  No thanks.

We haven't even talked about Paulson's conflicts of interest given that Paulson was Chairman and CEO, after 32 years, at Goldman Sachs - which happens to be the last independent investment bank standing.  It's been reported that "unlike the previous bailouts and managed liquidations of Goldman competitors Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch and which shareholder value was largely wiped out, Goldman's stock could rise under the Paulson plan..."

Lastly, thank God, are the recent reports that many of Paulson's former executives at Goldman are "bundlers" for Obama's campaign - going so far as to email Obama's campaign manager details of the "private" discussions between the Secretary and House Republicans.


Paulson must resign, along with the leading Democrats pushing the toxic paper that crippled the world's financial markets.

Fire Dodd, Frank & Paulson!