Sunday, July 27, 2008

Obama owes Bono for "This is our Moment."

"This is our moment.  This is our time."  Perhaps you were moved when you first heard Obama say this.  Perhaps it was the first time you had heard anyone describe so eloquently the feeling that the world is being handed over to our generation, that the present is our responsibility.  It is a burden but to put it is so eloquently makes it sound like an exciting challenge - more hopeful, less scary.  Perhaps you thought those words were another sign that this man was indeed special.  Problem was, those weren't his words.

Yesterday, I heard the Rush Limbaugh program had made an allegation that Obama stole his trademark "This is our moment.  This is our time."  from a 2005 speech Bono gave.  I was shocked until I Googled it myself and found this article @

EMOTIONAL Bono yesterday pleaded with the heads of the wealthy G8 nations to bring an end to death by disease in Africa.

The U2 singer, speaking in the opening minutes of Live 8, declared: "Eight of the most powerful men on earth are meeting on a golf course in Scotland. There's a lot at stake.

"We have a message for them. This is your moment to make history by making poverty history."

In front of 205,000 people in London's Hyde Park and an estimated two billion TV audience, Bono said: "So this is our moment. This is our time. This is our chance. To stand up for what's right.

Amazing!  It's a great line and Obama can certainly use it but he should credit Bono and it's unseemly for him to feature the phrase in his acceptance speech for Democratic nomination in Minneapolis and the King of the World speech in Berlin.  But Obama doesn't seem to have a problem with what is unseemly. 

Here are some other examples of Obama things that aren't, well, "cool":

  1. Campaigning in Europe as a candidate.  You don't speak in front of hundreds of thousands of foreigners as a representative of America until you've been elected to represent America.  Not cool.
  2. Pandering to socialist Europeans but not willing to visit injured American troops.  The military said he could not have cameras but he could visit - he choose not to.  Not cool.
  3. Saying, "I know that I don't look like the Americans who've previously spoken in this great city". Why say that?  It's not even true.  Both of Bush's Secretary of State, Colin Powell & Dr. Condi Rice, are African-American, look a lot like Barack and have spoken to German crowds.  But why does it matter what we look like?  Not cool.

There's lot more examples but I gotta go...

Here's another example of Bono using that phrase:

Friday, July 25, 2008

National Media Must Diversify

I found this McCain video of how much the media is in the tank for Obama:

and left this comment:

All kidding aside, the media needs to diversify itself. It may take years of hiring conservatives but it's important for the country and the world.

It's dangerous to have our national media so one sided.

For example, in 1994 a very charming Bill Clinton managed to convince the world that Hutus killing 50,000 Tutsis a week was not genocide and so he would not intervene.

Over 800,000 humans were butchered to death because the liberal media gave the liberal President a pass.


It already got this response from 3swelldogs:

EXCELLENT point. we should have gone in there...and the shame of it was that it wouldn't have taken much at all to clear that up.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Hillary's lost her right to be heard.

7-24-08  UPDATE!

The website below,, actually allowed my comment to post, only to remove it later.  Everything I said, was factually true, which just goes to show you that the real fascism in America is on the left.  They love free speech as long as it's only and exactly what they want to hear.  Anything else and they will shut it down, erase it, deny it or otherwise mitigate it. 

Obama's speech today in Berlin reminded us of another fascist who gave speeches to hundreds of thousands in Berlin and his party made sure no criticism of him or his party was allowed in public.

Please let this web site know how you feel about websites that remove comments they don't agree with.  I completely understand removing spam or comments that are factually wrong or personally hurtful - mine were none of the above - they were just critical of the Clintons and the Democrats.

Shame on you Democrats!!!


I came across more Hillary words:

and I said this on 7-14-08:

More tired old words from the woman who, long ago, lost her right to be heard.

In 1994, 800,000 blacks were butchered to death during the Rwanda Genocide and Bill Clinton did nothing. He had a UN obligation to intervene and he just said no.

Tens of thousands of woman, young and old were raped and mutilated and Hillary Clinton said nothing.

Wouldn’t it have been great if she had found her voice for them? I wonder how many children she could have saved?

Shame on the Clintons and shame on the Democrats for looking the other way because one of their own was in charge!

At least this web-site allows my comments to be posted without "moderation".

I'm getting cynical.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Obama folk, rightly, won't pay for Hillary's hit-job

I came across this gem of a story that describes how Obama supporters are reluctant to give cash to retire Hillary's campaign's debt when a good chunk of it was run up attacking Obama after she had no chance of winning.  I remember Hillary running ads in Montana and saying to my wife how odd that she's spending money this late in the race.  Now she wants Obama folk to pay those bills?

Anyway, here's the link:

...and here's my comment that, as of 1:41pm 7-9-08, was awaiting moderation.  We'll see if it posts.

How strange that the winner of a contest, any contest, pays off the debts of the loser?

Hillary lost this race months ago. Obama had a big lead over McCain. Rather than put her party ahead of her personal ambitions, as Mitt Romney did, she selfishly continues campaigning, against overwhelming mathematical odds, running up debt, gathering up delegates, buying ads and spreading rumors - anything that might convince America Obama is unelectable - a Hillary-fulfilling prophecy.

Now, Obama’s been damaged badly by Hillary’s hammer and Hillary wants Obama’s supporters to pay for the hammer. If they had an ounce of integrity they would not ask for the cash. If they had an ounce of integrity, they would have quit the race and not stayed in to bloody up Obama. Unfortunately, the Clintons have no integrity.

How do I know?

In 1948, the US promised the world, “Never again!” after 6 million Jews were murdered during Holocaust. In 1994, Hutus killed 50,000 Tutsis a week during the Rwanda Genocide - an obvious genocide the US must respond to. But Clinton did not respond. They managed to convince the world it wasn’t really genocide until over 800,000 had been butchered to death.

If the Clinton’s had any integrity, they would have taken action to stop the killing of almost a million people. They didn’t, so they don’t.

