Friday, July 25, 2008

National Media Must Diversify

I found this McCain video of how much the media is in the tank for Obama:

and left this comment:

All kidding aside, the media needs to diversify itself. It may take years of hiring conservatives but it's important for the country and the world.

It's dangerous to have our national media so one sided.

For example, in 1994 a very charming Bill Clinton managed to convince the world that Hutus killing 50,000 Tutsis a week was not genocide and so he would not intervene.

Over 800,000 humans were butchered to death because the liberal media gave the liberal President a pass.


It already got this response from 3swelldogs:

EXCELLENT point. we should have gone in there...and the shame of it was that it wouldn't have taken much at all to clear that up.

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