Friday, June 6, 2008

Finally, Some Justice 4 Rwanda.

I subscribe to the HillaryClintondotcom on YouTube - just to keep an eye on things.  Well, I got this gem of a video yesterday, thanking me for...

I did not even finish the video (I never can stomach more than a minute or two of a Hillary video).  I just like to see if they finally let me leave comments.  You see, Hillary's campaign has a policy of not allowing comments she doesn't like to be posted on her YouTube videos.  I guess her staff reviews each one and posts it (or not) depending on if they like the content.  The net result is lots of glowing compliments of Hillary and nothing else.  It's a little like that movie the Stepford Wives or Pleasantville.  Ironic that hippie democrat types think conservatives are fascists who strictly regulate expression but the reverse is actually true.  Giuliani, Mitt, McCain, Thompson, Huckabee all had open comments on their YouTube videos during the GOP primary.  You know this because there was some nasty critical comments of each candidate mixed in with lots of "Go Ron Paul!" comments.  Not so for Hillary.  I don't know about Obama - I'll go check it out.

Anyway, I left the comment below to make the Hillary staffer reading it think a little bit about the person they're supporting.  Someday, I'd like to get the MSM to write about this but until then, your my biggest audience!

Here's my comment:


Justice 4 Rwanda.

Over 14 years ago. the Clintons let 800,000 Africans die needlessly - butchered in the Rwanda Genocide after America had promised "Never Again".

Now, it is with sweet and just irony that an African-American has ended the White House dreams of the couple who did nothing about Africa's worst genocide ever.

How ironic Hillary "the feminist" never spoke out while tens of thousands of women, young and old, were raped and mutilated.

May God forgive her.

I submitted it and the response was, "Comment Pending Approval!"  just like that, with the exclamation mark - like I'm supposed to be excited it's pending approval instead of just being posted like 95% of all other YouTube comments.

I'll let you know if it gets approved.  Don't wait up too long :-)

UPDATE:  June 7, 2008

Nope - still no posting of my comment 24 hours later.  You can check yourself @

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