Monday, May 19, 2008

Obama - Hillary Unfit For V.P.


I'm afraid there's been a misunderstanding.

I'm not suggesting that the Clinton's cannot be forgiven for what they did.  Forgiveness is a very personal journey that has to do with one's faith, what kind of apology is given/expected and one's outlook on life.  Some of the survivors in Rwanda, perhaps President Kagame himself, certainly all of Hillary's supporters, may find it in their hearts to forgive the Clintons.  I do not.

I'm asking for a little justice for 800,000 victims of that horrific genocide.   I'm not asking that we charge the Clintons with crimes against humanity - although many do. 

At the very least, Hillary should not be rewarded with the honor of being Vice-President of the United States. 

It would be fantastic if someone asked the Clintons some tough questions about why Bill failed his UN obligation to stop the slaughter in Rwanda.


If we don't care about 800,000 fellow humans dying needlessly - what do we care about?

I think we should expect our Presidents to help stop genocides, not ignore them until everyone's dead. 

(Please see UK Guardian: US Chose To Ignore Rwanda Genocide @ and the PBS Series: The Triumph of Evil @

I'm not trying to implode the Democratic Party - I'm trying to save it.  People are fed up with politics as usual and will vote that way in November.  Barack understands that politics as usual is giving a Democratic President a pass for helping in Kosovo (white Europeans) but abandoning Rwanda (black Africans) simply because he's a Democrat.

The new Barack-refreshing-Audacity-of-Hope-real-change-you-can-believe-in politics is looking out for the poor women and children of Rwanda even though they were not rich, not white, not oil-producing and not American.


p.s.  It's not slander to say that "some guess that Hillary did not want a messy genocide intervention interfering with her health care reforms” - that's a true statement.  Christopher Hitchens and Sally Bedell Smith have suggested as much with Hitchens ending his piece with some good advice, "Let the memory of the truth, and the exposure of the lie, at least make us resolve that no Clinton ever sees the inside of the White House again"  Here, here!  Personally, I have no idea why Bill Clinton prevented UN action to save Rwanda but went around the UN to save Kosovo.  Ultimately - it doesn’t matter - it's inexcusable.

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