Thursday, January 10, 2008

Why didn't Hillary cry about 800,000 dead blacks?

Hillary cried recently, in public, on the day before the NH primary  - where polls indicated she was going to lose big time.  Why?  She says it’s because she was afraid, “we would fall backward”.  Hillary thinks Obama would let us fall backward?  Like most Americans, I was inspired by Obama’s speech – not driven to tears.  Matt Lauer pondered whether she was crying because a dream she’s had for 30 years, to become the first woman President, was slipping away.

Rush recently reported that Jesse Jackson's son wondered why Hillary didn't cry during Katrina.  Interesting point - why hasn’t she cried during other sad events?  For me, Katrina is a poor example.  Katrina affected households with 9 million people and yet only 1,836 died.  If the U.S. Coast Guard hadn't rescued 30,000 from New Orleans' roof tops, Katrina's death toll could have been a lot worse.

For the victims of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide, our government's response could not have been worse.  Bill failed his UN obligation to intervene and stop the murder of 56,000 blacks per week - a murder rate 5 times the Holocaust.

For 100 days, Hillary was silent while hundreds of thousands of women were raped & 800,000 blacks were butchered to death.


If ever there was an occasion to cry for others, it was after watching the bloated, hacked body parts of innocent women and children clog up the narrow parts of the Kagera River.  I remember crying and I have rarely cried.  I'm a big guy and father of two and I remember walking down the street, in 1994, and I saw the news footage on a TV in a store front and I cried.  Strangers were watching me cry on the street.

We never saw Hillary cry, publicly, about Rwanda.  I believe she cared about the victims of one of mankind's worst genocides but she hid those tears because Bill was leader of the free world and had turned his back on Rwanda.  She says now that she did encourage Bill to intervene in Rwanda - so she knew what was happening there - but we never saw her put her feminist hat on and disagree with her husband publicly.  If she had spoke out, hundreds of thousands may have been saved.

So, now that you have some background, I have some questions:

Why didn't she speak out?

Why did the U.S. media believe the Clintons for 100 days that 56,000 murdered Tutsis a week is not genocide?

Why is the outrage among our black leaders?

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