Friday, September 12, 2008

When Obama Looks Ugly

Most people think of Barack Obama as an attractive young man.  I think he's looking more and more unattractive with every illegitimate attack on Sarah Palin.

Nevertheless, my opinion dropped even further yesterday.  I was in a patriotic mood listening to the speeches about 9/11 I had found on YouTube.  I came across some fantastic renditions of the Star Spangled Banner I was going to share with my two teenagers. 

Then I found a pretty bad rendition that included all the 2008 Democratic Presidential candidates:

What’s wrong with this man?

American citizens learn from Kindergarten to hold their hand over their heart during the Star Spangled Banner. We sing it before major sporting events and civic ceremonies.  Some even sing along - I do. 

Because Americans do it for years and years, it’s second nature. We do it because we’re taught to and we love our country. 

Maybe Obama forgot. That’s OK.  Sometimes when we forget, we see others with their hand over their heart and we put our hand over our heart as an act of solidarity with all Americans. 

Barack must have seen others with their hands over their hearts but kept his hand down - that’s creepy.

As the great Marvin Gaye once asked, "What's going on?"

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