Recently my blog Look2theWest, the Audacity of Reason, passed the 5,000 visitor mark.
Not much compared to Michelle Malkin, Ann Coulter or Christopher Hitchens but I'm grateful so many have visited my site and read my writing.
I'm an IT project manager who leads software development teams. I had to take some time off from work recently and took up the habit of putting my thoughts down in writing and sharing them over the Web. It would be fantastic to make a living in the public policy area - writing or legislating or campaigning - it's all good.
I chose the name Look2theWest because:
"There's a feeling I get
When I look to the west
and my spirit is crying for leaving"
It's a lyric from Led Zeppelin's Stairway to Heaven that captures the way the west has inspired millions to migrate here and billions to demand freedom and justice in their own lands.
The Audacity of Reason is a nod to the excellent philosophy of Ayn Rand and an easy counter to the Obama's purposely ambiguous euphemism "Audacity of Hope".
Many say the country's on the wrong track but I find that many things about modern America are truly remarkable.
One of them is the dramatic rise in home-grown blogging. Could our fathers and mothers, let alone our forefathers and mothers, have predicted that someday the average person can sit down, at their desk, write down their thoughts and then share them with thousands of others in an instant?
I've never had to convince some liberal publisher that my conservative viewpoint would be popular. I just put my writing out there and people decided for themselves if it was good or not.
You did not have to rely on some elitist screener to determine - for you- what's worth reading or not.
Likewise, I can go online, read what other Americans are thinking and even give them feedback. Sometimes the feedback sparks a discussion between two strangers about important issues. That's remarkable to me.
Thanks again for your interest in Look2theWest, the Audacity of Reason.
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