I admire Glenn Beck but he has a way of disqualifying the positive that Republicans bring to the country. I share some feedback I gave Mr. Beck yesterday below:
You're my favorite guy on TV but I must tell you that I’m tired of you lumping Republicans in with the Democrats and McCain with Obama.
After all the Democrat's irrational hatred of Bush, that Bush hates black people, that Bush lied about the war.
After all the harassment of conservative students, conservatives in Hollywood and conservatives when they give speeches.
After Democrats supported the Fairness Doctrine, open borders, fought against passing Jessica’s Law, opposed drilling to lower gas prices and repeatedly attempted to dishonor our fallen soldier’s sacrifice by pulling out of Iraq in defeat.
After Obama wants judges that ignore the constitution, wants to nationalize healthcare and god knows what else, wants to raise the minimum wage and abandon the secret ballot for union voting.
After all that, you do this moral equivalency thing between Democrats and Republicans between McCain and Obama and honestly can’t bring yourself to vote for McCain??? Talk about perfect is enemy of the good and throwing the baby out with the bath water!
It’s like when I used to tell my kids, “Hey, you guys need to do a better job getting ready for school” and my daughter said “but Dad – I’m always on time.” She was right – she was and my son wasn’t and criticizing them both was unfair and discouraged my daughter from making the effort to be on time.
Don’t discourage most Republicans who are trying to keep us free and safe and prevent socialism in America by saying things like “you can’t trust any of them” and “is there really any difference between them, really”.
Glenn – be fair, not balanced, just fair.
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