Ever hear the phrase, "The perfect is the enemy of the good" or that's "throwing the baby out with the bath water."? Well, that's happening a lot lately with Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly. Because the GOP and McCain are not perfect, they get thrown out with the bath water that is today's Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Soros Democratic Party. That may be balanced but it's not fair.
For example, recently Glenn Beck said, regarding her new energy video, Paris Hilton "makes more sense than those other two guys". His probably kidding about Paris, but it's getting harder to tell these days. This is only the latest example of how Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly strive so hard to be balanced, by bashing both candidates, that their criticism is unfair.
Lumping McCain's energy plan with Obama's lets the Illinois Senator off the hook. Obama actually said America can save just as much oil as offshore drilling will produce by tuning our cars and properly inflating our tires. What?? That's a complete lie. Barack is lying.
In addition, we need more oil and coal to meet our energy needs until the alternative energy sources come online. Obama will tax oil and coal and that will force companies to produce less - just the opposite of what we need - and cripple the American economy. It's madness.
By saying McCain is just as bad as Obama lets Obama off the hook for lying about drilling and destroying our economy with his energy plan. The only way to hold Obama responsible is to say, loud and clear, his plan is much worse than McCain's. Beck & O'Reilly can say they think parts of McCain's plan is wrong but, to be fair, they must also say, "but it's still much better than Obama's plan".
To say both McCain and Obama make no sense gives Obama a pass. Don't do that...hold Obama accountable.
That is the most important function of a free press is to hold our politicians accountable for their words and actions. Most everyone else, Wolf Blitzer, Keith Olberman, Larry King, Chris Matthews, Suzanne Malveaux, Katie Couric and Brian Williams spin the news to Obama's benefit and to make McCain look bad. It would be great to have someone spinning news to benefit McCain but Republicans, to their credit, can't do that. They want fair and balanced coverage even if most everything else is biased against them.
Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly provide the best commentary and analysis on TV today. I'm not asking that they spin things for McCain, although that would "balance" what happens everywhere else, I'm only asking that they provide fair coverage and, given the state of the Democratic Party these days...that will end up making the GOP look good - or at least better than the Dems.
That's OK, that's accurate, that's fair and it holds the Dems accountable until they get their act together.
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