I came across this gem of a story that describes how Obama supporters are reluctant to give cash to retire Hillary's campaign's debt when a good chunk of it was run up attacking Obama after she had no chance of winning. I remember Hillary running ads in Montana and saying to my wife how odd that she's spending money this late in the race. Now she wants Obama folk to pay those bills?
Anyway, here's the link:
...and here's my comment that, as of 1:41pm 7-9-08, was awaiting moderation. We'll see if it posts.
How strange that the winner of a contest, any contest, pays off the debts of the loser?
Hillary lost this race months ago. Obama had a big lead over McCain. Rather than put her party ahead of her personal ambitions, as Mitt Romney did, she selfishly continues campaigning, against overwhelming mathematical odds, running up debt, gathering up delegates, buying ads and spreading rumors - anything that might convince America Obama is unelectable - a Hillary-fulfilling prophecy.
Now, Obama’s been damaged badly by Hillary’s hammer and Hillary wants Obama’s supporters to pay for the hammer. If they had an ounce of integrity they would not ask for the cash. If they had an ounce of integrity, they would have quit the race and not stayed in to bloody up Obama. Unfortunately, the Clintons have no integrity.
How do I know?
In 1948, the US promised the world, “Never again!” after 6 million Jews were murdered during Holocaust. In 1994, Hutus killed 50,000 Tutsis a week during the Rwanda Genocide - an obvious genocide the US must respond to. But Clinton did not respond. They managed to convince the world it wasn’t really genocide until over 800,000 had been butchered to death.
If the Clinton’s had any integrity, they would have taken action to stop the killing of almost a million people. They didn’t, so they don’t.
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