Hillary's campaign debt is rising and that's not all she owes.
Today, I read in the BitsBlog that the June 22, 2008 -NY Post- is reporting that:
"New campaign-finance filings reveal Clinton has even more debt than previously reported, while Obama’s fund-raising has stalled.
He pulled in $22 million in May - a sharp drop from the $30 million to $55 million he got in each of the prior three months.
And presumptive Republican nominee John McCain came up almost even with his Democratic rival, taking in $21 million last month.
The new reports show Clinton’s debt has risen to $22.5 million - $12 million of which is in personal loans she poured into her campaign - and she reported only $3 million in available cash. More debt is expected to be reported in the coming weeks.
...an Obama spokesman said there's no specific plan to rescue Clinton from her debt. Discussions so far "have focused more on what these two can do to bring the party together and move it forward than it has on these logistical details," Obama communications director Robert Gibbs said last week. "
Of course, this story has some interesting political and ethical subplots. Isn't it interesting that Obama's fundraising dropped off so sharply in May, almost in half, from the previous months, even though his race with Hillary was heating up.
Interesting also that McCain almost matched him in May, largely as a result of fundraising done with Bush at Romney events in Salt Lake City and at Romney's vacation home in Park City, Utah - and no one is reporting that. No one is talking about how much Romney raised for McCain.
Another interesting subplot in the NY Post story is the pleading by Clinton folk that Obama pay off her debt and the statement by an Obama spokesperson that they have no such intentions - good for them!
Anyway, as interesting as the political and ethical dilemmas, I was first struck by the moral one. Whenever anyone talks about Hillary owing anything, I first think of what she and Bill owe that they can't pay back - the victims of the Rwanda Genocide their lives back. I left this comment at the BitsBlog:
"Hillary owes more than $22 million dollars.
She and Bill owe Africa, and the nation of Rwanda, a lot more than that.
You see back in 1994, over 800,000 blacks were butchered to death during the Rwanda Genocide. Back in 1948, the US promised “Never again” would we allow an entire people to be targeted for extinction.
Yet Hutus killed 50,000 Tutsis each week and Bill did nothing. Tens of thousands of women, young and old, were raped and mutilated and Hillary said nothing.
Hillary owes a lot more than $22 million.
No amount of singing in black churches or donating to African charities will bring back 800,000 lives or make up for the injustice of doing nothing during Africa’s worst genocide ever.
n’est pas?"
I'd like to write a blog soon called "The Clintons are Morally Bankrupt" that logically puts together, side by side, the huge debt they owe for abandoning Rwanda next to all the things they've done that they think are making up for it and add all the things they possibly could do during the rest of their lives and it should become very clear - they're deep in debt, can never get out and should file for moral bankruptcy, very soon, immediately.